Quality Control

Category Activities
29 May 2017

Animal Environment

The temperature is regulated at 22±1oC, with a relative humidity (RH) of 55±10% and air exchange rate is set not to fall below 15 air changes/hr. throughout each 24-hour period. The temperature RH and air exchange rate in each room are monitored and recorded in real time by a computer monitoring system. Sound level and light intensity is not exceed 85 dB, 325 lux respectively in animal housing area. Ammonia levels should not exceed 25 ppm in any type of animal facility.  

Animal Supplies

Supplies must have certification as the standard values. Each lot of supplies are sampled and tested for microbial contamination, heavy metal or others that researcher or veterinarian requested by the outsource certified laboratory. 

Micro- and Macro-Environments

Cages and lids, filtered top cages, ventilated cages, water bottles, rack/shelves, laminar flow racks, safety cabinets and other animal equipment are routine sanitized in scheduled frequency. The effectiveness of sanitization procedures is monitored (e.g., water temperature monitoring, sterility test, microbiological monitoring, visual inspection and other indicators) Animal rooms sanitation is monitored using air sampler routinely 


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