Dr. Kwanrawee Sirikanchana
Staff - Biotechnology
20 Jan 2017

Name: Dr. Kwanrawee Sirikanchana, Ph.D.
Office address: Laboratory of Biotechnology
54 Kamphaeng Phet 6 Talat Bang Khen, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel: +66 25530 8555 (ext. 3255)
E-mail: [email protected]
54 Kamphaeng Phet 6 Talat Bang Khen, Lak Si, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel: +66 25530 8555 (ext. 3255)
E-mail: [email protected]
Research Scientist II
Research Experience (Specialties)
- Microbial source tracking, disinfection, environmental microbiology, water and wastewater treatment, water quality
- Antimicrobial resistance
- 1996-2000 B.E. (Environmental Engineering) with first class honours, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- 2001-2003 M.S. (Environmental Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- 2003-2007 Ph.D. (Environmental Engineering) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- 2007-2009 Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Davis, USA (with Prof. Stefan Wuertz)
- 1996, 1998, 1999 Best Undergraduate Students Award, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- 1999 Best Engineering Student’s Award, The Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage
- 1999 Best Engineering Student’s Award, Siam Cement (Public) Co., Ltd.
- 2000 Gold Medal Award, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- 2001-2007 Graduate Study Fellowship, Royal Thai Government
- 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Racheff Student Travel Fund, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA
- 2009 New Faces in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA
- 2010 Thailand Thesis Award, National Research Council of Thailand
- 2015 IWA-HRWM Willie Grabow Young Investigator Award, International Water Association, United Kingdom
- 2016 Young Alumnus Achievement Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
- 2016 Kurita Water and Environmental Foundation – Asian Institute of Technology (KARG) Research Award
- 2017 Researcher Links Travel Grant, Newton Fund and British Council, “Effective and sustainable mitigation of polluted water resources using novel culture and molecular-based detection of bacteriophages (phages) to pinpoint diffuse human sewage and animal wastes”. Host – Dr. James Ebdon, University of Brighton, UK. Six-week period.
- 2017 ACS Editors’ Choice – American Chemical Society (ACS), for the research article “Wangkahad B, Mongkolsuk, S, and Sirikanchana, K. (2017) “Integrated multivariate analysis with nondetects for the development of human sewage source-tracking tools using bacteriophages of Enterococcus faecalis”. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 2235-2245.”
- 2019 Best Papers for Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 6 (3), 159–164.
- 2020 Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
- 2022 National Research Award (first place). National Research Council of Thailand
- 2022 Most Read Article in Journal of Water and Health for the research article “Denpetkul, T., Pumkaew, M., Sittipunsakda, O., Leaungwutiwon, P., Mongkolsuk, S., & Sirikanchana, K. (2022). Effects of face masks and ventilation on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 respiratory transmission in public toilets: a quantitative microbial risk assessment”. Journal of Water and Health, 20(2), 300-313.”
- 2023 Huw Taylor Prize for exceptional scientific contribution to provide water and sanitation solutions in developing settings, from Health-Related Water Microbiology, International Water Association, United Kingdom.
- 2023 Royal Thai Government Fellow Young Achievement Award, The Association of the Thai Government Scholarship Students.
- 2023 Taguchi Prize for Outstanding Researcher in Biotechnology, Thai Society for Biotechnology (TSB), “Biotechnology for microbial source tracking for water pollution management and sustainable public health protection”.
- 2024 National Research Award (third place) in the discipline of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacology, Early Warning and Predicting System for COVID-19 Outbreaks Using Wastewater-based Epidemiology. National Research Council of Thailand.
Training Workshop
- 2007 Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Program, The Regents of the University of California, USA (18 Oct 2007 – 15 May 2008)
- 2007 Laboratory Management for Postdoctoral Scholars, Laboratory Management Institute, Office of Research, University of California Davis, USA (6 Nov 2007- 7 Oct 2008)
- 2008 Seminar on College Teaching Spring Retreat, Teaching Resources Center, University of California Davis, USA (23-28 Mar)
- 2015 Professional Development Programme – Researcher Connect, Newton Fund, British Council and Thailand Research Fund, Bangkok, Thailand (19-21 Feb)
- 2015 Building Opportunity out of Science and Technology (BOOST) Workshop, American Chemical Society, Bangkok, Thailand (22 Jun)
- 2016 Professional Development Programme for Mid-career Researchers Year 2: 2015/16, Newton Fund, British Council and Thailand Research Fund, London, UK (1-7 Feb)
- 2016 ASEAN Science Leadership Program (ASEAN SLP; selected as a Thai delegate), the Global Young Academy, Chonburi, Thailand (9-12 Jun)
- 2016 UK-Southeast Asia Newton Fund Research Partnerships workshop (selected as a Thai delegate), Bangkok, Thailand (15-16 Jun)
- 2016 Bio-Rad Droplet Digital PCR Hands-On Workshop, Bangkok, Thailand (12 Oct)
- Sirikanchana, K., Shisler, J.L., and Mariñas, B. J. (2008) “Inactivation Kinetics of Adenovirus Serotype 2 with Monochloramine”. Water Research, 42, 1467-1474.
- Sirikanchana, K., Shisler, J.L., and Mariñas, B. J. (2008) “Effect of UV-C and Monochloramine on Early Protein Expression and DNA Replication of Adenovirus Serotype 2”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(12), 3774-3782.
- Schriewer, A., Bae, S., Rizvi, A., Sirikanchana, K., Wang, D., and Wuertz, S. (2008). “Completion of Environmental Toolkit for Fecal Source Tracking and Pathogen Analysis in Stormwater”, Environmental Division of California Department of Transportation, Contract No. 43A0168, Task Order No. 23, March 2008.
- Sirikanchana, K., Bombardelli, F., Wang, D., and Wuertz, S. (2008). “Monitoring and Modeling Non-point Source Contributions of Host-specific Fecal Contamination in San Pablo Bay”, University of California Water Resources Center Technical Completion Report Project No. WR1015. December 2008.
- Wuertz, S., Bombardelli, F., Sirikanchana, K., Schriewer, A., and Zamani, K. (2009). “Quantitative Pathogen Detection & Microbial Source Tracking Combined with Modeling the Fate and Transport of Bacteroidales in San Pablo Bay”, The NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET), NOAA Grant Number(s) NA06NOS4190167, June 2009.
- Sirikanchana, K. and Wuertz, S. (2009) “Monitoring of Bacteroidales for Fecal Source Tracking in San Pablo Bay, California, USA”. Thai Environmental Engineering Journal, 23(3), 43-52.
- Sirikanchana, K., and Mongkolsuk, S. (2012) “Bacteroides-infecting Bacteriophage in Wastewater as an Indicator of Human- or Animal-derived Fecal Pollution”, Thai Environmental Engineering Journal, 26(2), 1-10.
- Sirikanchana, K., Wangkahad, B., and Mongkolsuk, S. (2014) “The Capability of Non-native Strains of Bacteroides Bacteria to Detect Bacteriophages as Faecal Indicators in a Tropical Area”. Journal of Applied Microbiology 117(6), 1820-1829.
- Wangkahad B, Bosup, S, Mongkolsuk, S, and Sirikanchana, K. (2015) “Occurrence of Bacteriophages Infecting Aeromonas, Enterobacter, and Klebsiella in Water and Association with Contamination Sources in Thailand”. Journal of Water and Health 13(2), 613-624.
- Leknoi, Y, Mongkolsuk, S, and Sirikanchana, K. (2017) “Assessment of swine-specific bacteriophages of Bacteroides fragilis in swine farms with different antibiotic practices”. Journal of Water and Health 15(2), 251-261.
- Wangkahad B, Mongkolsuk, S, and Sirikanchana, K. (2017) “Integrated multivariate analysis with nondetects for the development of human sewage source-tracking tools using bacteriophages of Enterococcus faecalis”. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 2235-2245.
- Surachetpong, W., Janetanakit, T., Nonthabenjawan, N., Tattiyapong, P., Sirikanchana, K., and Amonsin, A. (2017) “Outbreaks of Tilapia Lake Virus Infection, Thailand, 2015–2016”. Emerging Infectious Diseases 23(6), 1031-1033.
- Tattiyapong, P., Sirikanchana, K., Surachetpong, W. (2018) “Development and validation of a reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction for Tilapia Lake Virus detection in clinical samples and experimental challenged fish”. Journal of Fish Diseases 41(2), 255-261.
- Chyerochana, N., Javed, B. J., Somnark, P., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2018) “Simultaneous Detection of Feces-specific Bacteriophages of Bacteroides fragilis with a Duplex PCR Assay”. Environment and Natural Resources Journal 16(1), 82-90.
- Mon-On, N., Surachetpong, W., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2018) “Roles of water quality and disinfectant application on inactivation of fish pathogenic Streptococcus agalactiae with povidone iodine, quaternary ammonium compounds, and glutaraldehyde”. Journal of Fish Diseases. 1-7.
- Somnark, P., Chyerochana, N., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2018) “Performance evaluation of Bacteroidales genetic markers for human and animal microbial source tracking in tropical agricultural watersheds”. Environmental Pollution 236, 100-110.
- Somnark, P., Chyerochana, N., Kongprajug, A., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2018) “PCR data and comparative performance of Bacteroidales microbial source tracking genetic markers”. Data in Brief 19, 156-169.
- Booncharoen, N., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2018) “Comparative persistence of human sewage-specific enterococcal bacteriophages in freshwater and seawater”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102, 6235-6246.
- Waiyamitra, P., Tattiyapong, P., Sirikanchana, K., Mongkolsuk, S., Nicholson, P., Surachetpong, W. (2018) “A TaqMan RT-PCR assay for tilapia lake virus () detection in tilapia”. Aquaculture 497, 184-188.
- Kongprajug, A., Booncharoen, N., Jantakee, K., Chyerochana, N., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K., (2018) “Sewage-specific enterococcal bacteriophages and multiple water quality parameters for coastal water quality assessment”. Water Science and Technology (in press). https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2018.460
- Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Somnark, P., Kampaengthong, P. L., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2019) “Human and animal microbial source tracking in a tropical river with multiple land use activities.” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (in press). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.01.005
- Kongprajug, A., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2019) “CrAssphage as a Potential Human Sewage Marker for Microbial Source Tracking in Southeast Asia” Environmental Science & Technology Letters (in press). DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.9b00041
- Jaemwimol, P., Sirikanchana, K., Tattiyapong, P., Mongkolsuk, S., Surachetpong, S. (2019) “Virucidal effects of common disinfectants against tilapia lake virus” Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 1383-1389. [2018 impact factor 1.998]
- Petcharat, T., Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Sangkaew, W., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2020) “Assessing human-specific crAssphage recovery after acidification-filtration concentrating method in environmental water” Water Environment Research 92, 35-41. [2018 impact factor 1.240]
- Chyerochana, N., Kongprajug, A., Somnark, P., Kampaengthong, P. L., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2020) “Distributions of enterococci and human-specific bacteriophages of enterococci in a tropical watershed” International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 226(113482), 1-13. [2018 impact factor 4.379]
- Surachetpong, W. and Sirikanchana, K. (2020) “Chapter 8. Orthomyxovirosis of Fish (Tilapia Lake Virus)” in Climate Change and Infectious Fish Diseases. Edited by: Patrick T K Woo, Jo-Ann Leong, and Kurt Buchmann, University of Copenhagen, CABI.
- Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2020) “Effect of quantitative polymerase chain reaction data analysis using sample amplification efficiency on microbial source tracking assay performance and source attribution” Environmental Science & Technology 54, 8232−8244. [2018 impact factor 7.149]
- Jantharadej, K., Mhuantong, W., Limpiyakorn, T., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K., Suwannasilp, B.B. (2020) “Identification of sulfate-reducing and methanogenic microbial taxa in anaerobic bioreactors from industrial wastewater treatment plants using next-generation sequencing and gene clone library analyses” Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 55:11, 1283-1293. [2019 impact factor 1.724].
- Ahmed, W., Bertsch, P.M., Bibby, K., Haramoto, E., Hewitt, J., Huygens, F., Gyawali, P., Korajkic, A., Riddell, S., Sherchan, S.P., Simpson, S.L., Sirikanchana, K., Symonds, E.M., Verhagen, R., Vasan, S.S., Kitajima, M., Bivins, A. (2020). “Decay of SARS-CoV-2 and surrogate murine hepatitis virus RNA in untreated wastewater to inform application in wastewater-based epidemiology”. Environmental Research, 191, 110092. [2019 impact factor 5.715]
- Sangkaew, W., Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Ahmed, W., Rattanakul, S., Denpetkul, T., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2021) “ Performance of viral and bacterial genetic markers for sewage pollution tracking in tropical Thailand”. Water Research, 190, 116706. [2019 impact factor 9.130]
- Leifels, M., Dan, C., Sozzi, E., Shoults, D., Wuertz, S., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2020) “Capsid integrity quantitative PCR to determine virus infectivity in environmental and food applications; a systematic review”. Water Research. [2019 impact factor 9.130]. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wroa.2020.100080.
- Booton, R., Meeyai, A., Alhusein, N., Buller, H., Feil, E., Lambert, H., Mongkolsuk, S., Pitchforth, E., Reyher, K., Sakcamduang, W., Satayavivad, J., Singer, A., Sringernyuang, L., Thamlikitkul, V., Vass, L., Avison, M., Turner, K., OH-DART Study Group, Avison, M., Alhusein, N., Booton, R., Buller, H., Chantong, B., Charoenlap, N., Couto, N., Dulyayangkul, P., Feil, E., Gibbon, M., Gould, V., Lambert, H., Meeyai, A., Mongkolsuk, S., Montrivade, V., Pitchforth, E., Phoonsawad, K., Rangkadilok, N., Ratanakorn, P., Reyher, K., Sakcamduang, W., Satayavivad, J., Singer, A., Sirikanchana, K., Sringernyuang, L., Suriyo, T., Suwanpakdee, S., Thamlikitkul, V., Turner, K., Vass, L., Wichuwaranan, K., Wiratsudakul, A. (2021) “One Health drivers of antibacterial resistance: Quantifying the relative impacts of human, animal and environmental use and transmission” One Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100220 [2020 impact factor 3.800].
- Kongprajug, A., Denpetkul, T., Chyerochana, N., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2021) “Human Fecal Pollution Monitoring and Microbial Risk Assessment for Water Reuse Potential in a Coastal Industrial-Residential Mixed Use Watershed” Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:647602. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.647602 [2020 impact factor 5.640]
- Kongprajug, A.,Chyerochana, N., Rattanakul, S., Denpetkul, T., Sangkaew, W., Somnark, P., Patarapongsant, Y., Tomyim, K., Sresung, M., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2021) “Integrated analyses of fecal indicator bacteria, microbial source tracking markers, and pathogens for Southeast Asian beach water quality assessment”. Water Research. 203, 117479. [2020 impact factor 11.236].
- Ahmed, W., Simpson, S.L., Bertsch, P.M., Bibby, K., Bivins, A., Linda, L., Bofill-mas, S., Bosch, A., Brandão, J., Choi, P.M., Ciesielski, M., Donner, E., D’Souza, N., Farnleitner, A.H., Gerrity, D., Gonzalez, R., Griffith, J.F., Gyawali, P., Haas, C.N., Hamilton, K.A., Hapuarachchi, C., Harwood, V.J., Haque, S.R., Jackson, G., Khan, S., Khan, W., Kitajima, M., Korajkic, A., Rosa, G. La, Layton, B.A., Lipp, E., McLellan, S., McMinn, B., Medema, G., Metcalfe, S., Meijer, W., Mueller, J., Murphy, H., Naughton, C.C., Noble, R.T., Payyappat, S., Petterson, S., Pitkänen, T., Rajal, V.B., Reyneke, B., Jr., F.A.R., Rose, J.B., Rusiñol, M., Sadowsky, M., Sala-Comorera, L., Setoh, Y.X., Sherchan, S., Sirikanchana, K., Smith, W., Steele, J., Subburg, R., Symonds, E.M., Thai, P., Thomas, K., Tynan, J., Toze, S., Thompson, J., Whitely, A.S., Wong, J., Sano, D., Wuertz, S., Xagoraraki, I., Zhang, Q., Zimmer-Faust, A.G., Shanks, O. (2022) “Minimizing errors in RT-PCR detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for Wastewater Surveillance”. Science of the Total Environment. 805, 149877. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149877
- Makkaew, P., Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Sresung, M., Precha, N., Mongkolsuk, S., & Sirikanchana, K. (2021). Persisting antibiotic resistance gene pollution and its association with human sewage sources in tropical marine beach waters. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 238, 113859. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113859
- Sangsanont, J., Rattanakul, S., Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Sresung, M., Sriporatana, N., Wanlapakorn, N., Poovorawan, Y., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 RNA surveillance in large to small centralized wastewater treatment plants preceding the third COVID-19 resurgence in Bangkok, Thailand. Sci. Total Environ. 151169. S0048-9697(21)06247-1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151169
- Jantharadej, K., Limpiyakorn, T., Kongprajug, A., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K., Suwannasilp, B.B. (2021) “Microbial community compositions and sulfate-reducing bacterial profiles in malodorous urban canal sediments”. Archives of Microbiology, 203(5), 1981–1993. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00203-020-02157-7. [2021 impact factor 2.667].
- Yamkasem, J., Prasartset, T., Tattiyapong, P., Sirikanchana, K., Mongkolsuk, S., Soto, E., & Surachetpong, W. (2022). “Persistence of Tilapia tilapinevirus in fish rearing and environmental water and its ability to infect cell line”. Journal of Fish Diseases, 45(5), 679-685.https://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13593
- Denpetkul, T., Pumkaew, M., Sittipunsakda, O., Leaungwutiwon, P., Mongkolsuk, S., & Sirikanchana, K. (2022). “Effects of face masks and ventilation on the risk of SARS-CoV-2 respiratory transmission in public toilets: a quantitative microbial risk assessment”. Journal of Water and Health, 20(2), 300-313. https://doi.org/10.2166/wh.2022.190
- Jantharadej, K., Kongprajug, A., Mhuantong, W., Limpiyakorn, T., Suwannasilp, B. B., Mongkolsuk, S., and Sirikanchana, K. (2022) “Comparative genomic analyses of pathogenic bacteria and viruses and antimicrobial resistance genes in an urban transportation canal”. Science of the Total Environment,157652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.
- Nontaleerak, B., Tasnawijitwong, N., Eurtivong, C., Sirikanchana, K., Satayavivad, J., Sukchawalit, R., and Mongkolsuk, S. (2022). “Characterisation of the triclosan efflux pump TriABC and its regulator TriR in Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58”. Microbiological Research, 263, 127112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micres.2022.12711.
- Leifels, M., Rahman, O.K., Sam, I.-C., Cheng, D., Chua, F.J.D., Nainani, D., Kim, S.-Y., Ng, W.-J., Kwok, W.-C., Sirikanchana, K., Wuertz, S., Thompson, J. & Chan, Y.F. (2022) The one health perspective to improve environmental surveillance of zoonotic viruses: lessons from COVID-19 and outlook beyond. ISME Communications, 2, 107. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43705-022-00191-8.
- Sangsanont, J., Rattanakul, S., Makkaew, P., Precha, N., Rukthanapitak, P., Sresung, M., Siri, Y., Kitajima, M., Takeda, T., Haramoto, E., Puenpa, J., Wanlapakorn, N., Poovoravan, Y., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K., 2023. Wastewater monitoring in tourist cities as potential sentinel sites for near real-time dynamics of imported SARS- CoV-2 variants. Sci. Total Environ. 860, 160317. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160317
- Ahmed, W., Bivins, A., Stephens, M., Metcalfe, S., Smith, W.J.M., Sirikanchana, K., Kitajima, M., Simpson, S.L., 2023. Occurrence of multiple respiratory viruses in wastewater in Queensland, Australia: Potential for community disease surveillance. Sci. Total Environ. 864, 161023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161023
- Sresung, M., Paisantham, P., Ruksakul, P., Kongprajug, A., Chyerochana, N., Gallage, T.P., Srathongneam, T., Rattanakul, S., Maneein, S., Surasen, C., Passananon, S., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K., 2023. Microbial source tracking using molecular and cultivable methods in a tropical mixed-use drinking water source to support water safety plans. Sci. Total Environ. 876, 162689. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162689
- Ahmed, W., Smith, W.J.M., Sirikanchana, K., Kitajima, M., Simpson, S.L., 2023. Influence of membrane pore-size on the recovery of endogenous viruses from wastewater using an Adsorption-Extraction method. J. Virol. Methods. 317, 114732.
- Siri, Y., Precha, N., Sirikanchana, K., Haramoto, E., and Makkaew, P. (2023) Antimicrobial resistance in Southeast Asian water environments: A systematic review of current evidence and future research directions. Sci. Total Environ. 896, 165229. 7
- Denpetkul, T., Pumkaew, M., Sittipunsakda, O., Sresung, M., Chyerochana, N., Kongprajug, A., Rattanakul, S., Patarapongsant, Y., Mongkolsuk, S., and Sirikanchana, K. (2023) Quantitative microbial risk assessment of the gastrointestinal risks to swimmers at Southeast Asian urban beaches using site-specific and combined autochthonous and fecal bacteria exposure data. Sci. Total Environ. 902, 165818.
- Kumar, M., Joshi, M., Prajapati, B., Sirikanchana, K., Mongkolsuk, S., Kumar, R., Gallage, T.P., Joshi, C., 2023. Early warning of statewide COVID-19 Omicron wave by sentineled urbanized sewer network monitoring using digital PCR in a province capital city, of Gujarat, India. Sci. Total Environ. 905, 167060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167060
- Srathongneam, T., Sresung, M., Paisantham, P., Ruksakul, P., Singer, A.C., Sukchawalit, R., Satayavivad, J., Mongkolsuk, S., Sirikanchana, K., 2024. High throughput qPCR unveils shared antibiotic resistance genes in tropical wastewater and river water. Sci. Total Environ. 908, 167867. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167867
- Siri, Y., Bumyut, A., Precha, N., Sirikanchana, K., Haramoto, E., Makkaew, P., 2024. Multidrug antibiotic resistance in hospital wastewater as a reflection of antibiotic prescription and infection cases. Sci. Total Environ. 908, 168453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168453
- Shrestha, S., Malla, B., Sangsanont, J., Sirikanchana, K., Thi, H., Ngo, T., Gail, J., Inson, M., Enriquez, M.L.D., Alam, Z.F., Soleh, A., Setiadi, T., Takeda, T., Kitajima, M., Haramoto, E., 2024. Detection of enteroviruses related to hand foot and mouth disease in wastewater of Asian communities. Sci. Total Environ. 912, 169375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169375
- Honda, R., Kumar, M., Mardalisa, Wang, R., Sabar, M.A., Chaminda, T., Sirikanchana, K., Makkeaw, P., Sulfikar, Ju, F., Jiang, G., Li, B., Chiemchaisri, C., Gomi, R., Amarasiri, M., Venter, H., Nishiyama, M., Watanabe, T., Ihara, M., Kasuga, I., Watanabe, K., Suzuki, S., 2024. Recommendations of Key Elements within an Integrated Monitoring Framework of Antimicrobial Resistance for Asian Countries. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.3c00820