Protein A/G-based immunochromatographic test for serodiagnosis of pythiosis in human and animal subjects from Asia and Americas. Intaramat A, Sornprachum T, Chantrathonkul B, Chaisuriya P, Lohnoo T, Yingyong W, Jongruja N, Kumsang Y, Sandee A, Chaiprasert A et al Med Mycol 2016, 54(6):641-647.

01 Aug 2016

Protein A/G-based immunochromatographic test for serodiagnosis of pythiosis in human and animal subjects from Asia and Americas.
Intaramat A, Sornprachum T, Chantrathonkul B, Chaisuriya P, Lohnoo T, Yingyong W, Jongruja N, Kumsang Y, Sandee A, Chaiprasert A et al
Med Mycol 2016, 54(6):641-647.


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