Phosphoproteome Profiling of Isogenic Cancer Cell-Derived Exosome Reveals HSP90 as a Potential Marker for Human Cholangiocarcinoma. Weeraphan C, Phongdara A, Chaiyawat P, Diskul-Na-Ayudthaya, Chokchaichamnankit D, Verathamjamras C, Netsirisawan P, Yingchutrakul Y, Roytrakul S, Champattanachai V, Svasti J, Srisomsap C*. Proteomics. 2019 Jun;19(12):e1800159.

01 Jun 2019

Phosphoproteome Profiling of Isogenic Cancer Cell-Derived Exosome Reveals HSP90 as a Potential Marker for Human Cholangiocarcinoma.

Weeraphan C, Phongdara A, Chaiyawat P, Diskul-Na-Ayudthaya, Chokchaichamnankit D, Verathamjamras C, Netsirisawan P, Yingchutrakul Y, Roytrakul S, Champattanachai V, Svasti J, Srisomsap C*.

Proteomics. 2019 Jun;19(12):e1800159.


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