Overexpression of KH-type splicing regulatory protein regulates proliferation, migration, and implantation ability of osteosarcoma. Pruksakorn D*, Teeyakasem P, Klangjorhor J, Chaiyawat P, Settakorn J, Diskul-Na-Ayudthaya P, Chokchaichamnankit D, Pothacharoen P, Srisomsap C. Int J Oncol. 2016 Sep;49(3):903-12.

01 Sep 2016

Overexpression of KH-type splicing regulatory protein regulates proliferation, migration, and implantation ability of osteosarcoma.

Pruksakorn D*, Teeyakasem P, Klangjorhor J, Chaiyawat P, Settakorn J, Diskul-Na-Ayudthaya P, Chokchaichamnankit D, Pothacharoen P, Srisomsap C.

Int J Oncol. 2016 Sep;49(3):903-12.


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