Involvement of the lymphocytic muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in methylmercury–induced c-Fos expression and apoptosis in human leukemic T cells. Suriyo T, Thiantanawat A, Chaiyaroj SC, Parkpian P, Satayavivad J J Toxicol Environ Health A 2008; 71: 1106-20.

14 Jun 2008

Involvement of the lymphocytic muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in methylmercury–induced c-Fos expression and apoptosis in human leukemic T cells.
Suriyo T, Thiantanawat A, Chaiyaroj SC, Parkpian P, Satayavivad J
J Toxicol Environ Health A 2008; 71: 1106-20.


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