A Solanum torvum GH3 beta-glucosidase expressed in Pichia pastoris catalyzes the hydrolysis of furostanol glycoside. Suthangkornkul R, Sriworanun P, Nakai H, Okuyama M, Svasti J, Kimura A, Senapin S, Arthan D*. Phytochemistry. 2016 Jul;127:4-11.

16 Jul 2016

A Solanum torvum GH3 beta-glucosidase expressed in Pichia pastoris catalyzes the hydrolysis of furostanol glycoside.

Suthangkornkul R, Sriworanun P, Nakai H, Okuyama M, Svasti J, Kimura A, Senapin S, Arthan D*.
Phytochemistry2016 Jul;127:4-11.


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