Chlorpyrifos promotes colorectal adenocarcinoma H508 cell growth through the activation of EGFR/ERK1/2 signaling pathway but not cholinergic pathway. Suriyo T, Tachachartvanich P, Visitnonthachai D, Watcharasit P, Satayavivad J. Toxicology. 2015; 338: 117-29.

02 Dec 2015

Chlorpyrifos promotes colorectal adenocarcinoma H508 cell growth through the activation of EGFR/ERK1/2 signaling pathway but not cholinergic pathway.
Suriyo T, Tachachartvanich P, Visitnonthachai D, Watcharasit P, Satayavivad J.
Toxicology. 2015; 338: 117-29.


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